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20kg woven polypropylene bags.


Barley can be included in the diets of most classes of animals, birds, and poultry. A great energy source, its protein content does not vary as widely as other grains. Barley does have a higher fibre level and a lower energy level, which will limit its use in diets of certain animals and stages.


The feeding value of providing barley for your cattle is inferior to other cereal grains. This is mainly due to its lower energy content and its variable content of largely indigestible carbohydrate components (B-glucans and fibre).


Barley may be used as the sole grain in diets for all classes of cattle. Besides removing the hull, various other methods of processing have been used to improve the feeding value of our barley. These include treatment with enzymes, steam pressure and pelleting.


If providing barley to cattle, a buffer should be added to the diets of cattle to help reduce acidosis.


  • A great source of energy and protein for calving heifers.
  • A good additional supplement for grazing or feedlot cattle.


    CATTLE 40%


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